The SDR is organizaed by SSD Pedale Feltrino
The headquarters: Via Montelungo, 21 a Feltre (Belluno).
phone 0439 303735
mobile +39 388 1288856
The 30. Sportful Dolomiti Race will take place on June 15, 2025
Start: in via Campogiorgio, Feltre (Belluno)
Finish line: in Piazza Maggiore, Feltre (Belluno)
5:30 a.m. in Via Campogiorgio, Feltre (Belluno)
at 7:00 a.m.
The are two routes.
GRAN FONDO: 204.1 km with 4,900 m total elevation gain
MEDIO FONDO: 125 km with 2,500 m elevation gain
GRAN FONDO ROUTE, 204 km (4.900 m total elevation gain): Feltre, Cesiomaggiore, San Gregorio nelle Alpi, Sospirolo, Valle del Mis, California, FORCELLA FRANCHE (GPM - 990m), Rivamonte Agordino, Loc. Le Miotte (route diversion), Agordo, Cencenighe, Alleghe, Caprile, Selva di Cadore, Passo STAULANZA (GPM - 1766m), Palafavera, Fusine, Dont, Passo DURAN (GPM - 1601m), La Valle Agordina, Agordo, Voltago Agordino, Frassené, Forcella AURINE (GPM - 1297m), Don di Gosaldo, Sagron, Passo CEREDA (GPM - 1361m), Tonadico, Mezzano, Pontet, Ponte Oltra, Sorriva, Salzen, Passo CROCE D'AUNE (GPM - 1015m), Pedavena, Foen, via Mezzaterra (ultimi 450m di salita) FELTRE
MEDIO FONDO ROUTE, 123 km (2.450 m total elevation gain): Feltre, Busche, Santa Giustina, Valle del Mis, California, Forcella FRANCHE (990m), Rivamonte Agordino, Voltago Agordino, Frassené, Forcella AURINE (1297m), Don di Gosaldo, Sagron, Passo CEREDA (1361m), Tonadico, Mezzano, Pontet, Ponte Oltra, Sorriva, Salzen, Passo CROCE d'AUNE (1015m), Pedavena, FELTRE...450m the last climb !
The event is also open to all foreign cyclists in possession of a valid 2024 UCI license issued by their national cycling federation. The license is to be presented together with a certification of fitness for competitive cycling (no other disciplines!) in English, as per the model downloadable here CERTIFICAT MEDICAL or Health Certificate - SDR
RIDERS WITHOUT A LICENSE (Italians and foreigners)
The event is also open to all Italian and foreign riders without a license, for whom an FCI one-day license will be issued (with the cost to be paid by the rider) for third-party liability insurance coverage during the event. To receive the one-day license, the rider must present a certification of fitness for competitive cycling (no other disciplines).
Participation in the event is by invitation, and the organizing committee may at any time and at its sole discretion decide whether to accept or reject a rider’s participation or to exclude a rider if the committee believes that the rider’s presence would damage the image of the event
By submitting the registration form, the participant declares that he or she has read the rules and accepts them in their entirety.
Subject to changes in the FCI implementing rules, participation in the Sportful Dolomiti Race has the following age limits:
- 17-year-olds (based on the calendar year, so they may not yet have turned 17 at the time of the granfondo) or members of the JUNIOR SPORT category (17–18 years old) may only do the MEDIO FONDO route.
- 19-year-olds (calendar year) may also choose to do the GRAN FONDO.
The only limit imposed by the implementing rules concerns the possession of a medical certification for COMPETITIVE CYCLINGvalid on the day of the race.
Anyone who does not have this CANNOT participate, regardless of age or license.
Participation in the event is by invitation, and the organizing committee may at any time and at its sole discretion decide whether to accept or reject a rider’s participation or to exclude a rider if the committee believes that the rider’s presence would damage the image of the event.
Registration opens
at 12:00 a.m.
Until 03/11/2025 the fee will be €70
(+ €15 for those needing a ONE-DAY LICENSE).
From 03/12/2025 to 06/04/2025 the fee will be €80
(+ €15 for those needing a ONE-DAY LICENSE).
Registration then closes until reopening on-site in Feltre 06/13- 14/2025 with a higher fee of €90.
The Sportful Dolomiti Race 2024 registration fee includes the CHIP.
So, the CHIP:
- is included in the registration fee
- does not need to be rented
- does not need to be purchased
- is in the race number attached under the saddle
- may be kept as a souvenir
If you need assistance, contact the administrative office at
The registration fee includes services and the race packet, specifically:
- A personalized race number (for those who register by May 15)
- A frame number that contains the chip
- A disposable chip incorporated into the race number (no need to wait in line at the chip station before or after the granfondo); watch the tutorial HERE
- An adhesive race number to place (obligatory) on the helmet
- A special 30th edition top-of-the-line SPORTFUL cycling jersey
- Mechanical assistance during the event (replacement parts not included)
- Medical assistance during the event
- 6 feed zones along the route
- “Broom wagon” service in case of withdrawal
- Secure bike parking Saturday and Sunday at PalaFeltre
- Hydration service at the finish in Piazza Maggiore
- Post-event pasta party at PalaFeltre
- Toilets and showers at PalaFeltre
- Special edition finisher’s medal
- Maglia Nera (black jersey) prize for the last finisher within the time limit
- Post-event sports massages Sunday at PalaFeltre
- Event live streaming from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. via the event website and Facebook page
The registration fee includes services and the race packet, specifically:
- A personalized race number (for those who register by May 31)
- A frame number that contains the chip
- A disposable chip incorporated into the race number (no need to wait in line at the chip station before or after the granfondo); watch the tutorial HERE
- An adhesive race number to place (obligatory) on the helmet
- A special 29th edition top-of-the-line SPORTFUL cycling jersey
- Mechanical assistance during the event (replacement parts not included)
- Medical assistance during the event
- 6 feed zones along the route
- “Broom wagon” service in case of withdrawal
- Secure bike parking Saturday and Sunday at PalaFeltre
- Hydration service at the finish in Piazza Maggiore
- Post-event pasta party at PalaFeltre
- Toilets and showers at PalaFeltre
- Special edition finisher’s medal
- Maglia Nera (black jersey) prize for the last finisher within the time limit
- Post-event sports massages Sunday at PalaFeltre
- Event live streaming from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. via the event website and Facebook page
The classification will be published in printed form and on the event website, or
- Submit the REGISTRATION FORMpublished on the website’s registration page via EMAILto, attaching a copy of the proof of payment of the registration fee by bank transferto
Banca di Credito Cooperativo delle Prealpi, via Montelungo, 32032 Feltre (BL), Italy
IBAN IT39 Z089 0461 1100 2600 0000 140
Payable to: SSD Pedale Feltrino
- RegisterONLINE WITH A CREDIT CARDat www.sportfuldolomitirace.itvia the registration page or this link REGISTRATION
Feltre ice rink
Friday, June 13, 2025, from 15 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Saturday, June 14, 2025, from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Race packets that are not picked up will not be sent to the riders’ homes.
In the event that a rider does not participate in the event, the registration fee will not be reimbursed.
If a rider is unable to participate, he or she MUST communicate this by email ( before midnight on June 08, 2025, so the fee can be applied to the 2026 event.
A registration held over to the next year is valid for that individual only and is nontransferable; it is valid only for the year following the cancellation.
Rider substitutions for the 2025 edition must be made by June 04, 2025.
The person giving up their race number must fill out the appropriate form, downloadable HERE, and personally send it to the administrative office via email (, authorizing the organizers to proceed with the substitution.
For this procedure, an administrative fee of €15,00 is requested, payable by bank transfer.
to Banca di Credito Cooperativo delle Prealpi, via Montelungo, 32032 Feltre (BL),
IBAN IT39 Z089 0461 1100 2600 0000 140
intesteted a: S.S.D. Pedale Feltrino
payment for: substitution 2025
- 1–100: VIPs + top 3 men and women finishers in 2024 GF and MF
Right side (Via Roma)
- 101–1000: under 8:00 GF 2024 and 4:30 MF 2024 (real time) – first 10 women MF and GF 2024
- 1001–1500: Pedale Feltrino – Sportful – hotel packages (min. 2 nights)
- 1501–1999: First 100 women to register – 2024 PRESTIGIOSI
Left side (Via Campogiorgio):
- 2001–2999: First 500 to register on Datasport site after Oct. 1 (“Wolf group”)
- 3001–3999: Paralympic athletes – hotel packages – tour operators – first 100 to register at MVC Store – 2024 withdrawals
- 4001–4999: According to registration date
- 5001–6999: According to registration date
- E100–E200: E-bike riders (not included in classification)
To enter the start grid, you must come with
- your adhesive race number attached to the front of your helmet
- your race number attached to the seat tube (this number contains the chip)
This tutorial shows how to attach them:
The organizers will immediately DISQUALIFY
- anyone caught trying to enter a start group ahead of the one they belong to
- anyone found to be in a start group that doesn’t correspond to their number, without authorization
- anyone using the race number of another individual without having communicated the substitution to the organizers before the deadline specified in the rules
Participating with another rider’s race number, giving a race number to another rider, starting in a start group in front of the one assigned, or other serious misconduct observed by the organizers will result in immediate expulsion from the event or elimination from the classification and exclusion from the event for one to five years. In the most serious cases, lifetime disqualification can result. These measures will be adopted by the organizers.
Riders who throw objects of any kind outside the designated areas (so-called ecozones) will be disqualified and will not be allowed to participate in the event the following year.
A sanction by the membership organization to which a participant belongs can result in removal from the start list at any time, at the sole discretion of the organizer.
The organizer reserves the right to take action in the event of unsportsmanlike conduct that could lead to falsification of the race results.
It is absolutely forbidden, on penalty of disqualification or expulsion from the race, to use a bicycle equipped with any type of electric or electronic support or assistance, unless the intention to participate in a separate e-bike category is reported to the organization at the time of registration.
A top-of-the-line Sportful Dolomiti Race cycling jersey, designed by Sportful, which will be unveiled on the site as soon as the graphics have been finalized.
- During the course of the event, riders may freely choose the route best suited to their abilities as long as they respect the checkpoints along the routes, at risk of disqualification from the final classification.
- The Sportful Dolomiti Race is a competitive cyclosportive event, and therefore it is absolutely obligatory that riders respect the rules of the road.
- Riders passed by the “FINE GARA CICLISTICA” (“END OF BIKE RACE”) vehicle continue in the event as touring cyclists, retaining their race numbers and respecting the rules of the road.
- The race number must be visible on the handlebars and not rolled around the frame; the other number provided by the race organizers is to be pinned to the back of the jersey. These numbers may not be modified in any way.
- A standards-compliant hard-shell helmet must be worn, buckled, for the duration of the event.
- To protect the environment, it is absolutely forbidden to throw trash of any kind along the road; all waste must be placed only in the containers located near the feed zones and at the finish, as designated by the “ECOZONE” signs. If race organization personnel or officials see a rider disregarding this rule, he or she will be disqualified.
- By signing the registration form, the participants agree that they will respect the government-imposed health mandates and the health protocols adopted by the organizers in relation to COVID-19.
With reference to the UCI and FCI rules, paragraphs 1.3.010 and 12.1.013 bis regarding “technological fraud,” the race jury, with the technical support of the organizers, is authorized to carry out random or systematic checks on the participants. If the participants are not in compliance with the controls or refuse to undergo the required technical checks, they will be immediately disqualified and the competent bodies notified.
Start, along the route, finish
The official timer is Datasport
12 hours and 30 minutes (i.e., finish by 7:30 p.m.)
at 10.15 am in Le Miatte (RIVAMONTE AGORDINO)
at 2.30 pm in AGORDO (crossroiads Valcozzena, near Luxottica factory)
Prizes will be awarded to the following:
- first 10 teams/clubs
- first 5 Gran Fondo route finishers
- first 5 Medio Fondo route finishers
- first 3 women Gran Fondo route finishers
- first 3 women Medio Fondo route finishers
- first (1) finishers (Gran Fondo and Medio Fondo) in the male categories Elite/Sport 19–29, Master 1 30–34, Master 2 35–39, Master 3 40–44, Master 4 45–49, Master 5 50–54, Master 6 55–59, Master 7 60–64 and Master 8 65–70 (Master 8 71–79 may ride only the Medio Fondo route)
- first (1) finishers (Gran Fondo and Medio Fondo) in the female categories Sport Elite Women 19–29, Master Women 1 30–39, Master Women 2 40/49 and Master Women 3 50–70 (Master Women 3 71–79 may ride only the Medio Fondo route)
- black jersey to the last-placed finisher
Riders in the Junior Sport and Junior Women Sport categories contribute only to the team/club classification.
Any other prizes will be communicated at the start.
Prizes not picked up will not be sent to the riders’ homes.
Prizes for category and team/club winners will be presented at the Feltre ice rink (pasta party area) as follows:
- Medio Fondo route: from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.
- Gran Fondo route: from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.
11 ambulances, 20 cars and 8 motorcycles following the race; 80 doctors and paramedics
Cars and motorcycles following the race, and various assistance points along the two routes
To provide for a fair and safe event, private follow vehicles are forbidden, at risk of disqualification of the riders assisted.
Any vehicles identified as following the race, and not authorized by the organizers to be between the “begin bike race” and “end bike race” vehicles, will be reported to the competent law-enforcement authorities and will be subject to both sporting and civil liability measures.
Along the two routes and at the finish.
Forcella FRANCHE: km 41,7
Forcella STAULANZA: km 90,5
Passo DURAN: km 111,2
Passo CEREDA: km 152,6 with pit stop coffee by Segafredo & dj music
SORRIVA: km 180,3
after the ARRIVAL
Forcella FRANCHE: km41,7
Passo CEREDA: km 71,4 with pit stop coffee by Segafredo & dj music
SORRIVA: km 99,0
Riders participating in the event must have with them at the start at least the following equipment:
- tools for changing a tire (or tubular) and a spare tube (or tubular)
- a pump (or CO2cartridge) for inflating tires
- a water bottle
In addition, all riders must wear a standards-compliant hard-shell helmet and must keep their race numbers attached and visible, both on the bike frame and the back of the jersey.
Sports and Shatsu massages
The organization reserves the right to change the above in accordance with the COVID-19 containment measures in force at the time of the event.
At the Feltre ice rink.
The organization reserves the right to change the above in accordance with the COVID-19 containment measures in force at the time of the event.
Broom wagon service will be available at the back of the group for riders who withdraw from the event. The riders’ bicycles will be deposited in the secure bike parking area as the vehicles return from the route. The vehicles carrying the bikes will not necessarily return at the same time as the vans/buses with the riders.
Secure bike parking is available at the finish and can be accessed by presenting the race number that corresponds to the number on the bike frame. All the bikes collected by the broom wagon service will be placed here as well, as the vehicles return.
The organization reserves the right to change the above in accordance with the COVID-19 containment measures in force at the time of the event.
- Situations in which the event may be rendered unfeasible and cause its cancellation are those due to force majeure, unforeseeable circumstances, or any other occurrences beyond the control of the organizers, such as: a. Weather-related events, including, for example, snow, hail, storms, ice formation on the road, or other meteorological conditions that make holding the event impracticable; b. Disaster events such as, for example, earthquakes, floods, large-scale fires, or other natural or human-caused disasters; c. A ruinous event harming one or more participants; d. Provisions or orders by the public authorities or cycling promotion bodies or sports federations; e. Any other cause or event, not attributable to the organizers, that makes it necessary to cancel the event
- A cause or event not attributable to the organizers is any fact or event, of natural or human-caused origin, that does not depend on the organizers’ intent or fault or, in any case, to whose occurrence the organizer has not willfully or negligently contributed.
- The cancellation of the event will be communicated by the organizers via email to the addresses provided at the time of registration, or even only through social media channels, in the shortest possible time, in order to promptly inform those registered and minimize inconvenience.
- Where possible and in the absence of risk conditions, the organizers will arrange for the event to be postponed to another date and promptly inform the participants.
- In any case, the organizers retain the right, where the specific conditions allow it, to enable the event to take place by changing the planned route in order to avoid dangerous situations for the participants.
- If it is impossible to hold the event, for any of the reasons referred to in the previous paragraphs, the registration fee will not be reimbursed.
Any claims must be presented to the jury within the required time limit and accompanied by the fee specified by the FCI.
The organization reserves the right to change the above in accordance with the COVID-19 containment measures in force at the time of the event.
All participants in the event are required to comply with the rules of the road, taking utmost care and considering the inherent dangers of cycling.
For any issue not addressed by these rules, the FCI rules apply.
Participants will be required to comply with all the national and regional Covid-related regulations and restrictions in force at the time of the event, as well as any health measures implemented by the organizers.
The organizing committee and the organization accept no responsibility for any accidents or damage of any kind to persons, animals or things, including bicycles, taking place before, during or after the event (including but not limited to those deriving from unfavorable weather conditions, rough road surfaces, or insufficient lighting, for example).
For this reason, any participant who does not already have accident insurance is strongly advised to take out such a policy.
By registering for the granfondo, the participant expressly accepts all the provisions of these rules and shall indemnify and hold harmless the organizing committee and, more generally, the organization, from any liability and from any claim and/or request for compensation for damages to people and/or things that may arise from accidents of any kind occurring before, during or after the granfondo.
In the event that the organizing committee or the organization should be the unsuccessful party in claims and/or requests for compensation from third parties for damages to persons and/or things deriving from what is indicated in this article, the participant shall compensate the organizing committee and the organization.
The participant shall also compensate the organizing committee and the organization for damage to the image and reputation of the event, the organizing committee and the organization, deriving from behavior on the part of the participant that does not comply with these rules and the spirit of the event.
By submitting the online registration form, the competitor —or, in case of a minor, the parent representing him or her —declares that he or she is in possession of a medical certificate in accordance with the Ministerial Decree of 18/02/1982 and of liability insurance; has read these rules and accepts them fully and unconditionally; and consents to the processing of his or her personal data in accordance with Legislative Degree No. 196/2003.
By use/processing of personal data is meant any operation or combination of operations involving the collection, recording, organization, storage, consultation, processing, modification, selection,
extraction, comparison, use, connection, blocking, communication, dissemination, or distribution of data, even if not saved in a database pursuant to Art. 7 of Legislative Decree No. 196/2003.
Every registrant has the right to access his or her personal data, as well as to obtain information about the data; to request that they be deleted, blocked, updated, rectified, or supplemented; and to oppose the processing of his or her data, by contacting the organizing committee, headquartered at Via Montelungo 21, 32032 Feltre (BL), Italy, which is the data controller.
By submitting the registration form online or via email and signing the appropriate form, the participant also agrees that any photos, videos, and audio and/or video recordings, of any kind, that portray him or her, produced on the occasion of the event, may be freely stored, reproduced, published, and marketed by the organizing committee, the organization, and the sponsors, without the right to any related compensation and/or indemnity. In particular, the participant expressly authorizes the organizing committee, the organization, and the sponsors, together with their media partners, to use any still or moving images that may portray him or her during participation in the race, in all media, including promotional and/or advertising materials. The participant agrees that such data and related material will be made available to the photographers and/or professional photo studios specially selected by the organization to provide photo services during the race.
In the case of a positive doping control carried out at the Sportful Dolomiti Race, or a positive result returned in the six months following the Sportful Dolomiti Race, for actions taken during the race or previously in other sporting events, the rider will be required to pay to SSD Pedale Feltrino, the Sportful Dolomiti Race organizer, as compensation for the serious damage caused to the image of the event, the sum of €25,000.00 (twenty-five thousand euros). If the rider belongs to a team or club, it will be jointly and severally liable for payment of the penalty.
For any dispute relating tothe application and interpretation of these rules, the court of Belluno is designated as the court of jurisdiction.
False self-certification will be prosecuted in accordance with the law.

Via Monte Lungo, 21 - 32032 FELTRE (BL)
Tel. e Fax 0439 – 303735 / Fax 0439 – 300600
Direzione Corsa:
Ufficio Stampa: